Refer to the Farmscan Manuals Page then feel free to call us for any questions or assistance you may need.
Quite often, I receive energisers for repair which are not faulty. To minimise your costs and downtime, I recommend a few checks before you send it. This will help decide whether it is the energiser or the fence which is at fault. With some lucky (?) people both are at fault.
1. .Does it ‘click’? Yes – there is power. Go to step2. No – see below
Check power to the energiser – plug something else into the power socket, for a 12 volt unit check the voltage – some energisers turn off when the voltage drops below 12.4 volts when under load.
2. Connect ONLY the earth connection to the energiser. Using your fence voltmeter, measure the voltage between the energiser terminals. It should be at least 7,000 volts. If under 4,000 volts, the energiser is faulty.
3. Hold the hot lead (suitably insulated!) near the hot terminal – bring it within a couple of millimetres, there should be a spark when the energiser pulses. If it is a very ‘fat’ spark, the fence is probably shorted. Connect the hot lead properly, check the voltage across the output terminals, if it has dropped below 2,500 volts the fence is shorted. If it is a very ‘lean’ spark, the fence is probably ok. Connect the hot lead properly, check the voltage across the output terminals, if it has dropped below 2,500 volts the energiser has not got the power to drive the fence and is probably faulty.
Please note, if you get a shock from the earth connection of the energiser, there is definitely a problem (or 2 problems!) with the fence. First, the earth connection is not good enough – fix it! Refer to fencing manuals for best practice. Secondly, there is a short on the fence – and that needs fixing too! One day I will have some troubleshooting guides for tracking shorts, meantime refer to fencing manuals. Gallagher and Thunderbird produce good fence manuals, maybe others.
When sending equipment to us for repair:
Please ensure that you include in the packaging:
Issue details
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Phone: (02) 6888 5265
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 6:30PM
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